
Remote control of Gene/cell therapies

Description: The spatiotemporal control of cell actions in a therapeutic setting (e.g., the use of chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR-T) cells against cancer cells) is critical to the safety and efficacy of gene and cell therapies. We design and use chemically induced dimerization (CID) and light induced dimerization (LID) systems respectively for the chemogenetic and optogenetic control of cell behaviors (e.g., signaling and gene expression). For therapeutic use, CIDs are engineered with clinically safe drugs, as dimerization inducers, with sufficient sensitivity and specificity to achieve a suitable therapeutic window. LIDs are engineered with mammalian compatible photoreceptors with a mammalian endogenous (non-toxic) chromophore that can be activated by the light allowing deeper tissue penetration.

Funding: NIGMS (R35GM128918) & a Safeway early career award.